Supporting St Mary's - Parish Giving Scheme
How it works
The Parish Giving Scheme or PGS provides a simple and secure way to donate to the church.
Donations can be made on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis. Each gift is restricted to a parish church chosen by yourself and cannot be used elsewhere. Any eligible Gift Aid will be sent separately once it has been received from HMRC.
You can set up a Direct Debit with PGS online, over the phone or by filling in a gift form at church.
A unique feature of the scheme is the option to commit in principle to increase your gift annually in line with inflation; This is entirely on an opt-in basis, but it is proving popular - with more than 55% of the donations received currently being index-linked.
For more information here is a short video on the scheme:
To sign up to donate to St Mary’s, please click here for the link.
A simple guide to how the scheme works: