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Sermon Mid week Eucharist 13th April 2023
Sermon Mid week Eucharist 13th April 2023
# Vicar's blog
Sermon Mid week Eucharist 13th April 2023
Acts 3.11–end
Psalm 8
Luke 24.35–48
So after the joyous events of Easter Sunday we now have a few weeks of Jesus’ multiple appearances to his disciples and followers. From our perspective it may not seem necessary for Jesus to keep appearing to prove that he has been resurrected. However I think it was precisely because of his multiple appearances that we have faith in the resurrection today.
In this story from Luke’s gospel, his disciples are talking about Jesus’ appearance on the road to Emmaus and how it was only through the breaking of bread that they realised who he was. I’ve always thought that the story of Jesus’ appearance on the road to Emmaus feels quite mysterious or ethereal in nature. I wonder if this had of been Jesus’ only appearance after the crucifixion, whether people would not have believed Jesus had truly been resurrected and that they had just seen a ghost? This second appearance of Jesus to his disciples therefor confirms the first as real but also reaffirms that Jesus was resurrected fully in body and spirit.
He is showing them his wounds to prove that he had been crucified and died but he also eats in front of them to make it obvious he is not a ghost, his whole being has come back from the dead.
Jesus is making it plain that this is a significant event that is ultimately what his whole ministry on earth was about. Jesus came on earth not only to be alongside us but to die for us so that we might have new life. Though Jesus death our sin dies, yet through Jesus resurrection we have new life, however the only way that this new life with Christ can be truly understood is if the resurrection is seen and believed by his followers. Jesus has been their teacher during his ministry and he has opened their minds so that they would come to understand what his teaching means in the context of the resurrection.
God gives us many opportunities to come to believe. As our reading from Acts touches on, throughout the bible we read the many stories of God appearing to his people especially through Moses. The disciples are explaining to those who are present and have witnessed a healing miracle, that they should not be surprised by this because this has all been foretold by the prophets before them.
Ultimately we are all given free will to believe in God or not, but the witnesses of Jesus resurrected after crucifixion reassure us of God’s consistent love for us. However it is not just the physical witness of Jesus that sustains our faith, it is also the continued witness of the impact that God’s love for us has had on the world. Therefore it is up to us as witnesses of God’s love to share our stories with others. Share the good news of God in your life or in the life of our community so that more may witness the coming of the Kingdom.