02/07/2024 0 Comments
Poetry Blog No. 36
Poetry Blog No. 36
# Poetry Group
Poetry Blog No. 36
“Poem at a Funeral”
After a short period without blogs, I am returning with one which reflects on a recent, very personal occasion.
A couple of weeks ago my wife and I attended the funeral of a very old friend – a lady we first met in our days at The University of London, nearly sixty years ago!
The funeral service took place in Nantwich, Cheshire, and we were fortunate that our daughter was able to drive us there, otherwise we would not have been able to attend.
It was not a religious service, although we did sing “All Things Bright and Beautiful”, but it was a good farewell and celebration of Frieda’s life.
One of the tributes, which really caught my attention was a poem, written and delivered by a 10-year-old grandchild, and I have to say, delivered with confidence.
I was reminded of that verse from one of the Psalms:
"Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength."( Psalm 8.2)
This is an expression we use today as we reflect on something said by a child which surprises you because of the wisdom and perceptiveness it seems to embody.
In her poem to her ‘Nana’, Isabella touches on several important aspects about our relationships.
She talks about: welcome and hospitality, skills of homemaking, how to treat others with both generosity and equality, toleration even when you might have preferred something different.
And throughout her poem Isabella manages to inject some good humour, which helps cement relationships as well.
Although the poem is seeing someone through the eyes of a child, it expresses the emotions adults feel at a time such as this.
Above all it celebrates a person’s life, is thankful for all that has been and recognises that love at its best is unconditional.
Enjoy your read – we certainly did as we said farewell to Frieda.
HOW TO BE A NANA - By Isabella Lloyd
It’s not easy to be a Nana you know, it takes years of practice and skill;
But if you follow OUR Nana’s rules, you’ll likely fit the bill…
Cook non-stop for everyone, guests can always stay;
Offer seconds, treats or puddings, at any time of day.
Love elephants, be obsessed by their huge flapping ears;
Spend Grandad’s money on a safari trip, to stop him buying beers!
Smile when your sons make homemade perfume just for you;
Even if it’s horrible and smells like Grandad’s old home-brew.
Fill the house with gerbils, rabbits, hamsters, even a chinchilla as a pet;
Turn the back lawn into a sports ground, with dustbins for a high jump set.
Treat all the grandkids equal, giving each of them your love;
We won’t tell Max and Harry, that I’m a cut above!
( Only joking Max)
Pretend you like playing our games, no matter what you really think;
Have a Port and Lemon, or Brandy, for a much-needed teatime drink.
We’ll make sure it’s never quiet here, we’ll keep on being loud;
Harry, Max, and I will always try and do you proud.
And we promise forever that we’ll never forget;
The very best Nana any of us have ever met.
Submitted by Roger Verrall – June 29, 2023