Answering the Call

Answering the Call

Answering the Call

# Sarah's blog

Answering the Call

Can you believe it is twelve years since the film called Prince Caspian (2008) from The Chronicles of Narnia was released?  If you haven’t read C S Lewis’s original book, one of seven books set in his fantasy world of Narnia, you have a treat in store.  If you read these books as a child, you might enjoy re-reading them.  I have always liked the Narnia books because they can be read at different levels as a child and adult.  We instinctively know that good is going to triumph over evil and we learn that wrong decisions can be redeemed into a better outcome.  When the film Prince Caspian came out, I was particularly enchanted by the beautiful song ‘The Call’ sung by Regina Spektor . The opening words begin:

It started out as a feeling 

Which then grew into a hope 

Which then turned into a quiet thought 

Which then turned into a quiet word ……

In 2008, I wasn’t ordained as a priest, although it had been in the back of my mind for many years, and was quietly growing into a strong sense of calling.  The process required patience and the willingness to wait for God’s time, not mine. 

During this last weekend, a friend of mine was ordained priest and celebrated his first communion service.  We had hoped to attend, but because of Coronavirus shielding, we had to watch the services live-streamed on social media instead.  As I watched his ordination on Saturday, it was good to be reminded of the ordination vows which I made in Coventry Cathedral in 2015 and 2016, in rather the same way that when we attend someone else’s marriage service, it brings back our own wedding day and the promises that spouses make to each other.  It’s valuable to return to what we promised, in some cases many years ago, and make a renewed commitment to uphold those promises.

On Sunday it was very moving to watch on Facebook our friend take his first communion service, which he led beautifully, along with contributions to the service by family and friends.  The visiting preacher shared a sermon with us, and reminded us that every single one of us has a vocation to be what God is calling us to be, whether that is teacher or train driver, nursery assistant or care worker.  Every vocation is equally important and allows God to work through us to build up community and the common good.  This current pandemic makes it difficult for some people to answer their call at the moment, and we must have enormous sympathy for all who are trying to set out in the world of work but are unable to access the work which they feel called to do.  Just as answering my call took many years to come to fruition, perhaps we all have to learn patience for things which start out as a feeling, then turn into a hope, a thought, a word and finally an action.

Sarah Bourne, Chaplain for the Arts – 21st October 2020

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