02/07/2024 0 Comments
The Holy Spirit and Pastoral Outreach (Pentecost part 2)
The Holy Spirit and Pastoral Outreach (Pentecost part 2)
# Louise's blog
The Holy Spirit and Pastoral Outreach (Pentecost part 2)
As we reflect on the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, I’d like to take a moment or two to explore the question of how we can all exercise our Christian vocation as Comforters and Advocates for one another, in the context of St Mary’s. You may know that I’ve taken up the baton of Pastoral Care at St Mary’s after Roger Verrall’s retirement. But so far, I haven’t been able to put anything in place, partly because of the pandemic, and partly because I’m only just beginning to see what form this aspect of our ministry might take, as we move into a post-pandemic world. From my position at the back of the congregation in pew 13 I’ve spent weeks staring at the back of a lot of people’s heads, wondering where to get new members for a Pastoral Care Team. I worry that everyone has a lot to do, a lot to think about, families and jobs and calls on their time. A lot of work falling to busy, tired people. Not to mention anno domini knocking on everybody’s door.
A couple of weeks ago I started to think about this differently, reflecting on the wealth of skills and talents that we possess in the whole congregation. Instead of looking for a small number of dedicated listeners, I wonder whether we couldn’t all pool our resources, great or small – in the service of each other and those who come to our church for help and support. If I’ve learnt one thing during the course of my ministry, it’s that God doesn’t call round pegs to fit into square holes. God’s yoke is easy; God’s burden is light, we are told. God uses what we have to offer; but maybe sometimes he repurposes our skills, upcycles our gifts and hidden talents.
What I would like to do is hold a meeting, either in person or via Zoom, where we could reflect on what pastoral care and outreach at St Mary’s might look like. What our priorities should be. What we’re doing already but could maybe do in a more joined-up way. I’d also like to ask individual members of the congregation what they have, or do, or know about, that they’d be willing to share with others. This could be really practical things - knowing about money, or IT, or how to write a difficult letter; driving a car, changing a lightbulb, playing chess – or it might be the time and the kindness to sit alongside other people – or the time and the willingness to share a skill. I don’t quite know yet. I want it to be a work in progress, a shared endeavour if possible. A way that we can celebrate the presence of the Holy Spirit in our church by being Advocates and Comforters to one another.
Do please let me know what you think, either by commenting below, or when we meet. There is a sign-up list in church where you can leave your contact details if you'd like to be involved (or email me directly at louise@banburystmary.org.uk).
I’m not trying to reinvent the wheel – only to look at the wheels we’ve got, give them a bit of an MOT, or better still an upgrade, and get our pastoral care back on the road.