02/07/2024 0 Comments
Poetry Blog 24
Poetry Blog 24
# Poetry Group
Poetry Blog 24
“Ode to Teachers”
This is the time of the year when schools, colleges and universities begin a new academic year. This means children and young adults move forward in their education adventure; from 4-year-olds in reception classes to those in their 20s doing a PhD – and sometimes even older!
So, it does seem appropriate at this time to publish a blog focussed on Teachers. And this new year will certainly be as challenging as the past 18 months as we continue to navigate through the effects of the COVID pandemic.
My selection for this blog is one which emanated from the Poetry Foundation site and explores the relationship between Teacher and Pupil/Student. It begins with the opening encounter and develops in mutual faith and trust. Whilst it focusses on the youngest, I am sure relationships and mutual trust between those who teach and those who learn are crucial whatever the age.
Ode to Teachers – By Pat Mora
I remember
the first day,
how I looked down,
hoping you wouldn't see
and when I glanced up,
I saw your smile
shining like a soft light
from deep inside you.
“I'm listening,” you encourage us.
“Come on!
Join our conversation,
let us hear your neon certainties,
thorny doubts, tangled angers,”
but for weeks I hid inside.
I read and reread your notes
my writing,
and you whispered,
“We need you
and your stories
and questions
that like a fresh path
will take us to new vistas.”
Slowly, your faith grew
into my courage
and for you—
instead of handing you
a note or apple or flowers—
I raised my hand.
I carry your smile
and faith inside like I carry
my dog's face,
my sister's laugh,
creamy melodies,
the softness of sunrise,
steady blessings of stars,
autumn smell of gingerbread,
the security of a sweater on a chilly day.
The author, Pat Mora was born in El Paso, Texas, USA and is a poet and writer who has published many books of poetry and children’s books. She was formerly a teacher, university administrator and museum director. As well as being a writer, she is a consultant and popular national speaker promoting creativity, inclusivity and “bookjoy”.
In 1996, Mora founded Children’s Day, Book Day, a year-long initiative to connect all children to “bookjoy”, which culminates in celebrations across the U.S. every April 30th.
If you wish to listen to the author read this poem, just follow the link:
Pat Mora, "Ode to Teachers" from Dizzy in Your Eyes. Copyright © 2010 by Pat Mora. Used by permission of Alfred A. Knopf, an imprint of Random House Children’s Books, a division of Penguin Random House LLC. All Rights Reserved. This was cited on The Poetry Foundation website.